A Day Trip to Nantucket

For my 29th birthday last April, I took the ferry with my sister and roommate Zo to Nantucket (and my brother worked on the ferry, so technically I took it with him, too, I guess) It was foggy + quiet, but honestly, I’ll take that over crowds any day. I love some fog; it makes for gorgeous, eerie photos. We spent a few hours browsing, snacking and walking around downtown, before walking out to the Brant Point Lighthouse to take pics, stare at the horizon moodily, and throw shells into the sea. Then it was back on the ferry, back to the mainland. And as an extra treat, we wrapped up by birthday trip by going to one of my favorite places in the world—Ocean State Job Lot! (I am, truly, #blessed) All in all, a chill day, but the perfect way to usher in the (ugh) last year of my 20’s.  

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